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Meet Julie
Ballet in Casper Wyoming

About the Director

We LOVE our Miss Julie! Julie Oliver is the creator and director of Beautiful Feet. We can't wait for you to get to know her! Until you do, here's a little bit more about her and the incredible story behind Beautiful Feet Academy.

Julie's Story

Julie began her dance training at the age of two. From age ten, she began to speak of someday opening a dance academy – "Beautiful Feet Academy of the Dance Arts" named after Isaiah 52:7 "How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of those who bring good news..." existing to bring the good news through dance that God sent us a Savior in Jesus Christ.

Beautiful Feet is designed to be a safe space for students, where young people can learn to dance without being asked to go against their personal convictions.  Miss Julie believes in protecting the innocence of the young dancers and all choreography and performances are God-glorifying, wholesome, uplifting, and dynamic!

As Julie grew, she trained heavily under Ballet Magnificat and also trained under companies such as Moscow Ballet, Western Ballet, and Ballet Ariel.

Having received her pointe shoes at an early age, Julie has now been performing pointe, and also teaching, for over 20 years.

Miss Julie has won the teacher/professional division of dance competitions regionally and nationally. Regionally, she has received the highest award possible for the teacher/professional division for 16 years.  She has also received multiple choreography awards.

Miss Julie has been trained in a very wide variety of dance styles, including Irish step and has participated in Feis (Irish dance competitions), and undergone TCRG training for Irish dance.

Julie has travelled all over the United States from Oregon to Tennessee for English Country Dance workshops, classes, training sessions, and balls. She is a professional English Country Dance, Ceili Dance, and Contra Dance Caller, and has done this in various states throughout the US.

Julie has also taught dance master classes in other states in a wide variety of styles. Some of the styles Julie teaches include ballet, pre-pointe, pointe, tap, jazz, lyrical, contemporary, tumbling, hip hop, Irish (soft shoe, hard shoe, and Ceili), ballroom, English Country, Contra, and more!

Miss Julie has created, choreographed and produced 13 full length programs that have been requested for performance in multiple states in the US. She has also choreographed 32 recitals, often surpassing six hours in length.

Julie has taught multiple dance classes for students with special needs, including tap for the hearing impaired.

Miss Julie teaches some Community Education dance classes and taught an OLLI lecture class about dance history at Casper College.  She has also called a date night ball event there.

Miss Julie loves passing along her knowledge and passion for dance to others -- she feels it is a way to impact the world and the future for the better. She feels that enthusiasm for art is contagious and that when students are training under a motivated and excited instructor, that passion rubs off on the students.

Beautiful Feet opened in 2008 and the students have performed at Mt. Rushmore, The Statue of Liberty, The Lincoln Memorial, The Washington Monument, The USS Missouri in Hawaii at the 75th Anniversary Memorial for Pearl Harbor, Walt Disney World, as well as performing with Ballet Magnificat, Moscow Ballet, Ballet Ariel, and halftime for the world famous Harlem Globetrotters!  In the most recent adventure, the dancers travelled to Kentucky and performed "HIStory" (the account of the Bible from Genesis to Revelation told through dramatic dance) at the Answers in Genesis Ark Encounter!  View a preview of the program here.  A preview of Beautiful Feet's other most popular piece of repertoire, "Under God", can be viewed here.

Multiple Beautiful Feet students have received invitations to professional dance companies.  Students have gone on to teach dance locally as well as abroad, or open a studio of their own, to dance professionally, to receive full-ride scholarships for dance, and to use dance on the mission field.

As a dance academy, Beautiful Feet has received the "Sportsmanship Award", "ADCC Studio of Excellence", The "Best Dance Studio of Casper" (for three consecutive years, adding it to the Casper business hall of fame), the parade grand champion award, along with countless "People's Choice", "Judge's Choice", "Director's Choice", "Outstanding Entertainment", "Category Winner", Mr. and Miss titleholders (including a national title), and "Overall Division Winner" awards in regional competitions.

Above all, Miss Julie desires that the Lord Jesus Christ be glorified by everything that she and Beautiful Feet have done and will do!

Contact Julie

Contact the Director of Beautiful Feet

"I'm excited to meet you and get you into the perfect class. Feel free to call me!"

call or text: 307-277-8907


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  • Tumbling classes in Casper Wyoming
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Copyright 2020 - Beautiful Feet Academy of the Dance Arts

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