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Registration fee (non-refundable): $25 individual, $40 family -- registration fee is paid annually.


NOTE: After registering, Julie will contact you and confirm your chosen classes. You'll then be able to pay tuition online or in person.


School year class rates (Monthly fee -- classes are held weekly):

30 min. class -- $45/mo

45 min. class -- $50/mo

1 hr. class -- $60/mo

1 ½ hr. class -- $70/mo

Private 30 min. class -- $60/mo


For each additional class per student that you take up to three there will be a $2 discount Each class per student after the 3rd will receive a $15 discount. See tuition policy for further details.


IMPORTANT NOTE: Private lessons and duo classes do not count toward total number of classes and are not eligible for discounts.


  • Tuition Payment Policy

    For summer classes and camps, tuition is due in full prior to first lesson.

    For the school year, tuition is due by the 1st day of every month except September and January. In September and in January tuition is due at your first class and after two weeks of class a $10 late fee will be added to any unpaid balance. 

    For all "school year" months besides September and January a $10 late fee will be added to any balances left unpaid by the 10th of the month.

    During the school year, if any unpaid balance remains at the end of a month, the student will not be able to attend classes the following month until the outstanding balance is paid. Dancers will not be permitted to participate in the Spring Recital if they have any unpaid balances for tuition or other charges. Full May tuition must be paid to participate in Spring Recital.

    Private lesson students who fail to notify their instructor that they will not be attending in writing via text to 307-277-8907 or 307-237-2880 two hours or more prior to their private lesson will be charged their private lesson fee. Genuine emergencies (car accidents, etc) are the ONLY exception to this rule.

    Beautiful Feet is not responsible for dancers outside of class time, the staff must focus their attention on teaching and cannot watch/babysit dancers at the same time. When classes are over for the day, it is an imposition on the staff's time to be kept late without compensating the staff. If a dancer's parents are late picking their dancer up by more than 10 minutes, a "late pick-up fee" of $5 for every 10 minutes will be added to their tuition.

    If you would like to avoid the hassle of remembering monthly payments, you may choose to pay the full year's tuition in advance. If you do, you'll receive a 10% discount off your full year tuition...almost like getting one month free!

    Tuition payments can be dropped in the "Tuition Box" in the studio lobby or mailed to: Beautiful Feet, 1075 Beaumont Drive, Casper, 82601

    We also accept credit card payments in person and online, but a 3% card processing fee will be added to the charge.

  • Liability release

    I, being 18 years of age or older, do for myself (or for or on behalf of the minor child named on this registration form) hereby release, forever discharge and agree to hold harmless Beautiful Feet Academy of the Dance Arts (hereafter "The Academy") and its employees, volunteers, directors, agents and owners from any and all liability, claims or demands for any accident, personal injury, sickness or death, as well as property damages and expenses, of any nature whatsoever which may be incurred by the undersigned and/or the child participant that occur while said is participating in any activity associated with The Academy, whether in the studio, at any other location, or while traveling to and from another location.

    Furthermore, I (and for or on behalf of my child participant, if under the age of 18 years) hereby assume all risk of personal injury, sickness, death, damage and expense as a result of participation in activities involved therein. Further, authorization and permission is given to The Academy to furnish and hereby release liability of transportation, food and lodging for this participant.

    The undersigned further hereby agrees to hold harmless and indemnify The Academy, its employees, volunteers, directors, agents and owners, for any liability sustained as the result of negligent, willful or intentional acts of said participant, including expenses incurred attendant thereto. I understand that in activities with The Academy, I (or my child participant) may be photographed.

    I agree to allow any photo, video, or film likeness to be used for any legitimate purpose by The Academy. This accident waiver and general release of liability shall be construed broadly to provide a release and waiver to the maximum extent permissible under applicable law.

    (If the participant has not attained the age of 18 years): I (we) are the parent(s) or legal guardian(s) of this participant, and hereby grant our (my) permission for him/her to participate and hereby give our permission to take said participant to a doctor or hospital and hereby authorize medical treatment, including but not limited to emergency surgery or medical treatment, and assume the responsibility of all medical bills, if any.

    Further, should it become necessary for the participant to return home due to medical reasons, disciplinary action or otherwise, I (we) hereby assume all transportation costs.


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